2022 CWLOA Classroom Training Information

Find all training times, links, and other information on our Calendar Page.

Classes and descriptions

Please sign up for the classes that match your USAL Rating Level, or the equivalent in experience. See USA Lacrosse Levels for a description.

All classes this year will be on Zoom, except for the outdoor portions of the Positioning and Mechanics classes.

When you look at the classes on the calendar, you’ll be able to click the link to “sign up” for that class. Please do so as it helps us know how many will be attending each session and then we can have the right resources on line. The Zoom link is also contained in the sign-up form, or can be found below.

  • Apprentice – Basic: Rules 1 through 5 of NFHS Rules
  • Apprentice – Fouls, Goal Circle violations, Boundaries, and Restraining Line
  • Apprentice – 2-person Positioning and Mechanics
  • Level 1 – Foundation 1: Major and Minor Fouls, Misconduct
    • No video for this session – contact Les Snively if you need to have this session repeated
  • Level 1 – Foundation 2: Game Management, Goal Circle, Boundary, Restraining Line, and 2-Person Review
  • Level 2 – Foundation: Major Fouls, Misconduct
  • Level 2 – Next level: Game Management, Held Whistle
  • Level 2 – 3-person Positioning and Mechanics (Optional)
  • All – Rules Interp: Professionalism, Points of Emphasis, 2022 Rules Interp, Arbiter use

Links to USA Lacrosse Training Resources

These are recommended courses to take from USA Lacrosse’s on-line offerings. You can find them from your USAL login. Look under the “E-Learning” menu item in the appropriate sections. (I can’t link to each of your individual pages, so you’ll have to navigate there on your own login.) If you haven’t taken these before, you’ll find them in the appropriate section under the “Catalog” button.

  • Rules Training Course. Take this at least once, preferably in your first season, but beneficial to take every season as a refresher and to make the annual test a snap. It takes about 3 hours to go through, but you don’t have to do it all at once. It’s very well done in it’s current form.
  • Cultural Competency Course: This is another good course to raise awareness about interacting with others in a positive way.
  • Annual Rules Exams: This is also contained in this portion. There are 3 possible exams, but you only need to take one of them, depending on what you will officiate this year. You can take either the Youth Exam or the High School exam, if you will only do one of them. If you plan, to possibly will do both, then take the combined exam. Again, you only need to take one of them; just pick the one best for your situation.
  • Other courses: There are several other good courses you may take if you find them helpful and offer a good way for you to learn. None are required; all are encouraged if they’re right for your situation.